The bearish trend in tur prices is expected to continue for one to three months due to multiple factors. These factors include arrivals with high moisture content, high domestic production estimate, and huge imports from African countries.Register to read
In the current economic scenario, where there are concerns about the government's capital spending avenues reaching limits, economist N.R. Bhanumurthy said it is time to revert to the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act and to keep capital expenditure at 3% of GDP going forward. "... in 2024-25 (Apr-Mar) it is somewhere around 3.3%. Now we should look at the 3% target so that 0.3% funds will be available for the private investors," Bhanumurthy, director of Madras School of Economics, said. Register to read
As the India Meteorological Department celebrates its 150th anniversary, stakeholders ask for accurate long-range forecasts and customised weather data for various sectors like hydrology, agriculture, health, aviation, and energy. Experts stressed the importance of monsoon forecasts as the water released from reservoirs ensures food security and energy security.Register to read
The Budget for 2025-26 (Apr-Mar) must address the slowdown in urban consumption, which is getting more pronounced now, according to IDFC FIRST Bank Chief Economist Gaura Sen Gupta. "There is a need to boost urban consumption. We've had the past few budgets, which have focused on the rural side. We are lucky that the rural sector has got the support of a good kharif harvest and a good rabi harvest. Now, we need something for the urban sector," Sen Gupta told Informist in an interview. Register to read
The Reserve Bank of India's daily variable rate repo auctions are likely to keep overnight money market rates close to the policy repo rate of 6.50%, bringing down yields on the shortest tenure debt instruments. While the measure will iron out some of the distortions in money market rates, it does not provide the medium-term assurance that the market needs, bankers and analysts said.Register to read
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